National reconciliation committee set up in Syria’s Afrin district

A national reconciliation committee has been set up in Syria’s largely Kurdish-populated district of Afrin upon Russia’s initiative, Deputy Commander of the Russian troops in Syria Lieutenant General Alexei Kim said. According to him, the committee was established in late August.

Members of the reconciliation committees active in the de-escalation zones have held the first joint video conference. The committees comprise representatives of provincial authorities and armed opposition groups, as well as officers of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the opposing sides in Syria.

“The most needy areas have been defined, a list of medicine that should be delivered there has been compiled, local schools have been inspected,” Kim said. “A total of 26 schools need to be rebuilt and another 18 should be repaired… In 18 local settlements infrastructure facilities have been completely destroyed, so they need to be restored as soon as possible,” the Russian general added. He also said that “preparations are underway to carry out a humanitarian mission in three local settlements. In September, 200 stationary sets will be distributed, they have already been handed over to the committee,” the deputy commander of the Russian troops said.

A source in the Afrin district self-governing committee, in turn, said that school buildings had been destroyed in a number of settlements. Besides, local residents are in need of medicine, the list of the required medications has been sent to Russia’s representatives.

The Russian Defense Ministry said earlier that an office of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the opposing sides in Syria had been set up near the city of Afrin in the Aleppo Province. The line of contact between the Kurdish militia and the Turkey-controlled Free Syrian Army’s units runs through the area.