Hezbollah ready for talks on ISIS pullout from Syria border

Hezbollah Secretary General says that the movement is ready to negotiate the withdrawal of Daesh from the Lebanese-Syrian border.

The Lebanese paramilitary group Hezbollah is ready for talks with Daesh jihadists on their withdrawal from a pocket near the Syrian border, the group’s leader said Friday.

“We can enter into talks on the Syrian territory… Fire will not stop until an agreement is reached,” Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah told the Beirut-based TV channel Al Manar.

Nasrallah stressed that Hezbollah would only negotiate Daesh militants’ withdrawal from the mountainous area on the Lebanese-Syrian border and the release of kidnapped Lebanese soldiers.

The Lebanese army launched a military operation last Saturday to clear Daesh fighters from its side of the border with Syria. Simultaneously, Hezbollah and Syrian armed forces started an offensive against Daesh on the Syrian territory.