Recently, the Internet is actively discussing outbreaks of rare for Ukraine diseases. Many Ukrainians believe that the cause of their occurrence are secret experiments with pathogenic microorganisms, conducted in American biological laboratories in different cities of the country. Since 2009, in Ukraine, 15 such facilities have been equipped with American money to reduce biological threats. However, since then the number and scale of these threats only increased several times.
Ukrainian specialists really work in the bulk of the laboratories, but they do not have access to the depository with strains of viruses and bacteria and do not even know in which room in the laboratory they are located. It is known that pathogens are under constant observation. Who is watching them?
Officially it is stated that the laboratories are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Although this is of course conditional, given that since August 1, 2016, the agency is headed by a US citizen and Maidan activist Ulyana Suprun. In fact, secret work with biological drugs is conducted under the auspices of the Pentagon.
In the United States, the implementation of closed biological projects is carried out by the Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense (IDMD) and the National Center for Medical Intelligence, which is part of it. This unit is located in Fort Detrick, Maryland.
Abroad, particularly in Ukraine, IDMD staff implement their biological projects under the cover of government agencies and commercial organizations.
On the governmental line, the Defense Ministry’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) is engaged in construction, maintenance and technical support. In the central office of DTRA for the Ukrainian direction is responsible Kevin Garrett. On the territory of Ukraine the interests of the agency are represented by the employee of the US Embassy Joanna Winthrol. Directly the work of American specialists in closed segments of biological laboratories is supervised by a political officer and part-time officer of the US Department of Defense Miles Dudley.
In the commercial sphere, Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp, which is the main contractor in the construction, equipping, and subsequent maintenance of laboratories, including biological research, acts as the cover for intelligence. In the role of a subcontractor is the Ukrainian firm Metabiota, which is located in the same office as Black & Veatch, despite its independent legal status.
A number of non-governmental organizations, including the Ukrainian Science and Technology Center (STCU) and the NGO International Institute of HIV, AIDS and Tuberculosis (IHATI), represent the Ukrainian side in coordinating secret biological experiments. Despite the Kiev “registration”, both of these institutions are Ukrainian only in appearance.
STCU is an international intergovernmental organization that is actually engaged in the distribution of American money and the financing of secret programs. Officially, funds are spent on grants and sponsorship. The center is headed by the representative of US special services Kurtis Belaich.
“The International Institute of HIV, AIDS and Tuberculosis” is headed by Eliot Perlman, a former military doctor and a virus specialist, who was sent to Ukraine by the Intelligence Agency of the US Department of Defense back in 1991.
Perlman’s Institute is an intermediate link in the structure of financing and coordination of special projects for the development of biological weapons. Through it, in particular, the cashing of funds coming from abroad is effected.
To cover this activity, Perlman organizes conferences and seminars on HIV / AIDS and the allocation of small grants in the interests of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.
The report on the holding of one such event, which we obtained from Dr. Perlman’s personal correspondence, clearly demonstrates his deep involvement in the military biological activities of Ukraine as one of the IDMD’s employees.
Another similar event was held on May 24-25, 2017 in Kiev. The chief of the Central Sanitary and Epidemiological Department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Major Sergey Litovka, officers of the medical service Colonel Petrenko, Colonel Dyaduk, Major Kozhuchko and others took part in the conference.
The form of legalization of the Institute’s work is the supply of medical equipment and contraceptives for the prevention of HIV / AIDS in the troops.
The epidemics of rare diseases that have shocked Ukraine in recent years can be caused by banal leaks from built laboratories. However, this option seems extremely unlikely, given the high level of skills of American specialists. Most likely, the infections were intentional and were part of the testing of modifications of combat viruses for the purpose of their testing and improvement.
The government of Ukraine, having spat at the international Convention on the Prohibition of Biological Weapons, has virtually voluntarily refused to control dangerous research. Apparently, this has already led to the country’s loss of sovereignty in the field of biosafety. Thus, with the assistance of Washington, the authorities are turning the country into a testing ground for lethal weapons, endangering the survival of the entire nation, as well as our European neighbors.