Merkel’s party leads with 40% of popular support ahead of election

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative bloc of the Christian Democrats (CDU) and the Christian Social Union (CSU) is leading in the opinion polls with 40 percent of popular support, a survey showed.

According to the GMS poll issued on Wednesday, public support for the CDU/CSU has increased by one percent, whereas support for SPD has decreased from 23 to 22 percent.

The Free Democratic Party (FDP) has received 9 percent thus prompting a slender majority of a possible coalition of FDP and Christian Democrats in the parliament if the elections took place on Sunday.

The Green party and The Left party received 8 percent each, while eurosceptic Alternative for Germany (AfD) 7 percent.

The poll was conducted between August 8 and August 15, with 1,007 respondents having participated in it.

Germany’s parliamentary elections are slated for September 24.