US Secretary of Defense pays visit to Google and Amazon

On August 9, US Secretary of Defense James Mattis threatened North Korea with “destroying its population” unless the North Korean government complied with US demands.

Soon after, the former General of the Marine Corps, who, due to his bloody Battle for Fallujah in 2004, was nicknamed “Mad Dog Mattis”, went on a business trip to Silicon Valley. However, he did not visit remote military bases, but instead went to the location of companies such as Amazon in Seattle and the Department of Defense in Silicon Valley, which works closely with such concerns as Google.

Thus, such actions show that American concerns play a big role both in wars and when it is necessary to suppress political resistance within the country.

The US military, security services and major media companies are working together with technology companies to silence pacifist sites through systematic censorship. Google is particularly active on the World Socialist Web Site.

Under the auspices of the fight against fake news, a new search algorithm was created. During the past three months, a drop in traffic of the leading “left” websites in Google was registered for 45 percent. Search traffic on Google on the World Socialist Web Site has come down with the introduction of this political censorship by more than two thirds. Undoubtedly, Google’s censorship algorithm is an important issue in Mattis’s discussion with key experts.

The official goal of his visit, however, is to integrate Silicon Valley companies with the military industry. On August 10, Mattis met with Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos at the company’s headquarters in Seattle.

The next day, Mattis gave a speech at the headquarters of the Defense Innovation Unit Experimental (DIUX).

Mattis said that the Pentagon’s partnership with Silicon Valley on DIUX makes the US military “more fatal and more effective” than ever before. In DIUX orders for creation of military technologies of new generation for the American high-tech companies are distributed.

As part of this operation, contracts were signed for a total of $ 100 million for 45 pilot projects in such areas as artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles and space technologies. On its website, DIUX invites technology companies to participate in the development of “more than 100 billion dollars.”

Mattis said that the US military is ready to develop a military scenario with the North Korea.

Even more important is the opportunity, through technology companies, to wage an information war and influence public opinion, in order to suppress pacifist and opposition attacks towards the Pentagon. An important role in this is played by the so-called “think tank” called Jigsaw, which is a subsidiary of Google. Jigsaw President Jared Cohen was previously an adviser to foreign ministers Condoleeza Rice and Hillary Clinton.

The most famous puzzle project is the “Perspective API”. “Perspective API” system allows to censor comments on the Internet. The company calls this “a new tool for web publishers, to identify harmful commentators that may interfere with a civilized exchange of ideas.”