Dianne Feinstein: Trump’s immigration legislation will not pass Senate

Wednesday on CNN’s “Situation Room,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) discussed the immigration legislation President Donald Trump promoted today and said, “I don’t think it will pass the Senate. I will do everything I can to prevent it from passing.”

Partial transcript as follows:

BLITZER: The White House, Stephen Miller and the president, they kept referring to the fact that this new immigration policy would help African-Americans and Hispanic workers who are here in the United States. Do you accept that?

FEINSTEIN: Well, I can’t — I don’t see how candidly. I don’t see how, when you cut back on all of these categories, which make America, help America to be what the Statue of Liberty says — and we do it within reason. And there have been cutbacks, and there are long lines, and it is difficult to come into this country as it is. I don’t think our problem is an excess of new Americans. I don’t think that’s our problem at all.

BLITZER: What are the chances you think this immigration legislation that the president would like to see passed by the House and the Senate actually gets passed?

FEINSTEIN: Well, I don’t think it will pass the Senate. I will do everything I can to prevent it from passing the Senate.