SOT, Mevlut Cavusoglu, Turkish Foreign Minister (Turkish): “It is an obligation, a juristic need to show respect to the historical status of Temple Mount. We all support the reconstructing efforts of the peace process but there wouldn’t be permanent peace without fairness and justice. We should show our support to the Palestinians, who have been living under Israeli occupation for fifty years, millions of them who had to leave their home, not just with our dry words, but with our actions. We invite everbody who wants to stand against this injustice to recognise the State of Palestine. A free, independent State of Palestine, which has its capital as East Jerusalem and with the borders of 1967, should be realised as soon as possible. Valued brothers, I hope that what happened at the Temple Mount won’t be repeated. We should all be very careful against provocations. No bans or limitations, including the age restrictions to the Temple Mount cannot be accepted. As the Islamic Cooperation Organisation, we will be followers of this. We will keep supporting our Palestinian brothers in this great struggle. Almighty God help us.” *ROUGH TRANSLATION*