Atmosphere in US Administration causes leaks of classified information

Mass leaks of the classified information in the United States are caused by the specific atmosphere in the US administration, former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Gen. Michael Hayden told the CNN broadcaster.

“You get leaks — and I am not excusing leaks in any way — but you get leaks when people feel they have exhausted all the means with the government to make their voices heard. People leak when they lost all alternatives… And so, I think we’re getting these leaks because of the atmosphere within the administration itself. If you want to stop the leaks, change the atmosphere,” Hayden said on late Saturday.

From his point of view, it is necessary to develop channels of communication to prevent the leaks.

“So my policy in the agency was to simply open up the communications with the work force. I gave them my email account. I am not suggesting the president do that — but I gave them my email account and I answered to everyone of them. And I got thousands in a couple of weeks. And then they became to taper off and so did the leaks,” Hayden added.

On Thursday, the WikiLeaks whistleblowing platform released new documents within the Vault 7 series that contain information on the CIA hacking tools. The first batch from the Vault 7 project containing a total of 8,761 documents was released in March.