Transnistria condemns Moldova’s calls for withdrawal of Russian military

Transnistria’s legislators condemned the declaration, adopted by the Moldovan parliament, calling for Russia to finalize withdrawal of its peacekeepers from the unrecognized republic.

The document was adopted to coincide with the 25th anniversary of the peacekeeping mission which put an end to the bloodshed, which claimed thousands killed, injured and caused flows of refugees.

Transnistria’s parliament said in the statement, adopted on Saturday, the calls by Moldovan legislators were “reflection of Chisinau’s strategy to destabilize the situation, to fuel the conflict and bring it to the “hot phase”.

This approach, the Transnistrian legislators continued, “does fit the earlier adopted destructive initiatives.” Among those they named the ruling of the Constitutional Court, which named illegal the deployment of the Russian peacekeepers in Transnistria and the recent withdrawal of the Russian diplomats, who had participated in the monitoring mission, managing the peacekeeping operation in the republic.