Terrorists’ telecommunication command center destroyed in Syrian Army attack in Homs province

The Syrian Army’s artillery and missile units targeted and destroyed a telecommunication-command center of the ISIL terrorist group in Eastern Homs.

The artillery and missile units of the army shelled ISIL’s positions and movements heavily in the village of Um al-Reish in Eastern Homs and destroyed one of the telecommunication-command centers of the terrorists group.

All the ISIL terrorists stationed at the positions, including two commanders, were killed in the attack.   

Relevant reports said on Friday that the army resumed its military operations in Eastern Homs province, hitting the ISIL positions near the town of Jubab Hamad.

After hours of bloody battle, the army soldiers took full control of Tal Al-Alam which overlooks Jubab Hamad, securing the town of Jubab Hamad in Eastern Homs.

The Syrian Army also took control of an important chain of hills in Eastern Homs, establishing fire control over the ISIL-held Manbal area, West of al-Sukhnah.

The army men killed some 30 militants and destroyed several military vehicles in the attacks.