Hundreds of Russian forces deployed in S. Syria

Hundreds of Russian forces have been stationed in Southern Syria to monitor the ceasefire in Dara’a province, media sources said.

Syria’s ARA news quoted local sources as saying that 400 Russian military police forces have reached the driving training center near the village of al-Mothabin and the town of al-Sanamin in Northern Dara’a which are controlled by the Syrian army.

The sources also said that the Syrian soldiers have set up a temporary military base for the Russian military police forces in the Northern parts of al-Isharah Battalion 110 region and near the town of al-Sanamin.

Reports said that the Russian forces visited several army-controlled areas, including the military ones, as well as the regions near the terrorist-held regions in the towns of Izra’a, Kharbat Qazaleh and Sheikh Meskin.

A military source confirmed on Tuesday that the Russian military forces have deployed to the Southern territories of Syria to observe implementation of de-escalation zones agreement.

The source reported that the Russian military has deployed to Dara’a province to begin their indefinite operation to monitor the ceasefire in Southern Syria.

According to the military source, the Russian military will be specifically headquartered in the town of Izra’a, as they serve as the primary force observing truce in de-escalation zones in the Southern part of Syria.

A ceasefire came into force in Southwest Syria — in the provinces of Dara’a, Sweida and Quneitra in the Southwest, along the Jordanian border — in July 9 after a deal was brokered by the US and Russia on the sidelines of G-20 summit in the German city of Hamburg.

Syrian government forces had announced a halt to combat operations in the three provinces. According to the military, the move is aimed at supporting the peace process and national reconciliation in Syria.

The ceasefire was agreed to by experts from Russia, the US and Jordan, who negotiated a memorandum on the creation of a de-escalation zone in Southwestern Syria at talks in Jordan’s capital, Amman.

The US and Russia had previously negotiated a ceasefire in Syria in September 2016, but it collapsed after US aircraft bombed a Syrian government position, leading Moscow to wonder if the Pentagon was undermining the State Department’s efforts.