President of Iran accuses US of duplicity

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani pointed to the duplicity of US authorities in imposing sanctions against Tehran, IRNA agency reports.

“On the one hand, they are giving Congress official report that Iran is fully committed to their obligations, because of what they are forced to respect the provisions of the UWP and can not violate them; on the other hand, they try to introduce new sanctions under various pretexts that contradict the logic, spirit and The letter of the SVPD, and also are not constructive, “Rouhani said.

“Americans, as usual, behaved in a twofold and hypocritical way,” the Iranian president said.

According to Rouhani, the authorities in Washington are neglecting certain obligations in the implementation of international agreements. “They have neglected the Paris Agreement (on climate – ed.), Agreements with Cuba and a number of other obligations under agreements with the countries of North America and East Asia,” he said, pointing out that the United States in that case has no right to urge other countries to stability And security.

Earlier, the United States brought 18 organizations and individuals to the list of sanctions on Iran’s missile program. Tehran condemned Washington’s sanctions, saying that it would impose retaliatory sanctions against American individuals and companies.

Earlier, the US confirmed that Iran, in their opinion, is in compliance with the terms of the Comprehensive Plan of Action for the nuclear program – agreements on this matter were reached between Iran and the six international mediators in July 2015.