Vucic invites Trump to visit Serbia, promises “best welcome”

According to Vucic, he and Pence agreed to have personal communication in future.

He assessed that the meeting in the White House has “further contributed to creating greater mutual trust.” 

“We agreed to continue our personal communication and I think that this meeting, after an important conversation with senators and congressmen, further contributed to the strengthening of Serbian-American relations, creating greater trust and an even stronger friendship,” Vucic told reporters. 

He said the meeting was excellent, and noted that he congratulated US President Donald Trump and Pence on their election victory, “but also on the important things they are doing for their country.” 

Vucic said he invited Trump and Pence to visit Serbia, as he believes they will have the best welcome in this part of Europe, and beyond, “precisely in our country.” 

Speaking for TV Pink after the meeting, the Serbian president said he was very satisfied with the content of the conversation, the tone and the way of communication, the topics, and the interlocutors’ agreement on a number of things that they discussed. 

He said that he talked with Pence about all open issues: relations in the region, bilateral relations, how to attract as many US investors as possible.