Germany: Two immigrants beat and spit on the train conductor

Two passengers of a high-speed intercity train at the age of 16 and 17 years beated and spitted on the train conductor at the train station in the city of Fulda. The incident occurred on Friday in the morning, the publication Fuldaer Zeitung reported on Monday with reference to the police.

Due to the fact that 2 young people (16, 17 years old) were traveling by train without a ticket on Friday at about 9.30 pm, they were landed by a guide in Fulda, the federal police said.

On the platform they beated and spitted on the conductor.

Then they disappeared in the direction of the city. The process was announced at the federal police. Within one hour, federal police detained young people at the station. Both criminals are citizens of Algeria. Currently they live in the administrative district of Leipzig in a youth institution.