The Security Service of Ukraine launched a pre-trial investigation into a criminal case against two Russian border guards who got lost, claiming they violated Ukraine’s territorial integrity, according to official statement.
KIEV (Sputnik) — The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) said Thursday it had initiated a criminal case against two Russian border guards who got lost, claiming they violated Ukraine’s territorial integrity.
Last week, the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) border department in Crimea said two officers of the Crimean border department overnight to June 30 strayed from the route and entered the territory of Ukraine, where they were detained by Ukrainian border guards.
“On July 3, the Security Service of Ukraine launched a pre-trial investigation into criminal proceedings in respect of the second part of Article 110 of Ukraine’s Criminal Code (infringement on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine) against Russian border guards detained in the Kherson region,” the SBU said.
Source: Sputnik