The majority of Montenegrins are still against their country’s membership in NATO, the latest study of the Center for Democracy and Human Rights (CEDEM) showed.
According to their data, 38.7% of Montenegrins for NATO, 39.8% against, and 21.5% did not decide on the answer.
In general, only 9.2% of Montenegrins are satisfied with the work of the authorities, 27.4% very dissatisfied. Almost half, 40%, believe that the country is going the wrong way, but only a quarter agrees with the political course.
If to talk about foreign policy, 27.2% believe that Montenegro needs to go for rapprochement with the EU, 15.4% – with the United States. And every fifth, 20.5%, think that the country needs to have close ties with Russia.
Montenegro officially became a member of NATO on June 5 amid mass protests of citizens and a split in the government: the opposition boycotted the meetings, protesting the results of the elections.