Poll: Montenegrins did not like NATO even after joining the Alliance

The majority of Montenegrins are still against their country’s membership in NATO, the latest study of the Center for Democracy and Human Rights (CEDEM) showed.

According to their data, 38.7% of Montenegrins for NATO, 39.8% against, and 21.5% did not decide on the answer.

In general, only 9.2% of Montenegrins are satisfied with the work of the authorities, 27.4% very dissatisfied. Almost half, 40%, believe that the country is going the wrong way, but only a quarter agrees with the political course.

If to talk about foreign policy, 27.2% believe that Montenegro needs to go for rapprochement with the EU, 15.4% – with the United States. And every fifth, 20.5%, think that the country needs to have close ties with Russia.

Montenegro officially became a member of NATO on June 5 amid mass protests of citizens and a split in the government: the opposition boycotted the meetings, protesting the results of the elections.