Kiev, Ukraine It was time again for yet another Homo parade in LGBTQ friendly Kiev as sodomites take to the streets to force their personal preferences in the bedroom upon others as a “lifestyle” choice to be embraced, respected and taught to children early. Even in Nazi rich Kiev, tolerance was on the low for the 2017 “perverts parade.”
Ukrainian politicians and foreign diplomats joined thousands marching for the gay way of life in Kiev on Sunday, carrying banners and waving rainbow and Ukrainian flags in a parade flanked by a thick cordon of helmeted police to protect homos and homo loving politicians from everyday Kiev residents ready to beat them senseless.
Kiev Poroshenko supporters of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) rights see progress in Ukraine as symptomatic of the country’s closer integration with the European Union and rejection of its ties with neighbouring Russia. The Ukrainians hope that more will embrace the homo way of life as a way of supporting western values and moving away from religious beliefs.
The march was full of hostile locals, and around 200 armed people protested, variously calling it an affront to traditional values and for Ukrainian politicians to outlaw homosexual marriage, before it is a condition of EU membership. Others protested Ukrainian orphans shipped off to American homos who pay well to the Poroshenko officials for children to be “adopted” by queer couples.
Ukrainian authorities have increased their support for gay rights since a pro-Western government took power and recieved millions of dollars from pro homo groups in the west to push the LGBTQ agenda in Kiev as a priority. Recently a law was passed banning workplace discrimination against the LGBT community.
The day before the parade, Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze, the Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister on European and Euroatlantic Integration, said the parade would help Ukraine shake off its “imperial legacy, there is a consensus in society on the movement of our state in the direction of mass homosexual conversion,” she stated to other lesbians and their partners, prior to the march.