Sessions avoids Senate Intel Committee questions without legal reasons

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said that US Attorney General Jeff Sessions has not responded relevant questions related to the Russia probe during a congressional testimony while having no legal excuses for doing so.

US Attorney General Jeff Sessions has not responded relevant questions related to the Russia probe during a congressional testimony while having no legal excuses for doing so, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a press release.

“Attorney General repeatedly refused to answer pertinent questions from members of the Senate Intelligence Committee without offering a scintilla of a legal justification for doing so,” the release stated on Tuesday.

Schumer noted that Sessions behaved like other Trump administration officials have done in the past when it comes to an investigation into Russia’s alleged role in the 2016 US election.

US Democratic Whip Dick Durbin stressed in a press release Sessions should resign, because he did not provide clear statements in response to the Committee’s inquires.

“It is hard to see how he can continue to serve,” according to the release.

In the hearing, Sessions said although President Donald Trump has not invoked executive privilege in connection with his testimony, he would not reveal information about their private conversations without allowing Trump to determine if he wanted it revealed.