Venezuela burns as Judge is latest victim

Caracas, Venezuela. Protests and a collapse of public order have become the norm in strife torn Venezuela, but the execution killing of a judge, is taking the violence in a drection many are not happy with.

Unknown gunmen shot 37-year-old Nelson Moncada and stripped him of his belongings on Wednesday night in Caracas’ El Paraiso district, as anti-government unrest continues in Venezuela with 61 people killed in two months of violence, some suspect financed by George Soros as part of a color revolution attempt.

Judge Moncada was involved in the sentencing of one of the most well-known jailed political leader Leopoldo Lopez, which the government said could have been a likely motivation behind his killing.

“We cannot exclude the possibility this was done by hitmen hired by right-wing terrorists to keep creating and spreading terror,” Interior Minister Nestor Reverol said, referring to Venezuela’s opposition and the tactics of terror recently.

This week has seen violence all across the Venezuelan capital as security forces struggled to break up marches by opposition supporters toward government offices downtown with fights continuing into the night.

Venezuelan protesters often block roads with burning tires and trash, forming a grass-roots “Resistance” movement against Maduro, as the demonstrators fight against the National Guard soldiers and pro-government gangs growing larger daily in support of Maduro.

National leader Maduro claims the opposition is attempting a color revoultion coup with US covert support, calling back to the short-lived forced removal of his predecessor Hugo Chavez in 2002, and is also calling for a constituent assembly to grant him powers in rewriting the constitution.