More than fifty US House Democrats sent a letter to the White House urging President Donald Trump to immediately revoke his senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner’s security clearance for failing to disclose his contacts with Russia.
“Given the severity of these allegations and prior revelations that Mr. Kushner omitted this meeting and dozens of other foreign contacts from his SF-86, [4] we are requesting that the White House immediately revoke Mr. Kushner’s clearance pending the conclusion of the investigation,” the letter stated on Thursday.
The letter was signed by 52 House Democrats.
The alleged meeting between Kislyak, Kushner and former US National Security Adviser Michael Flynn reportedly took place in New York City in December 2016.
Earlier in May, Kushner’s Lawyer Jamie Gorelick said that the White House senior adviser would be willing to talk to federal investigators as well as Congress about his contacts with Russian officials and his role in Trump’s election campaign.