Amsterdam, Netherlands. The Dutch parliament, full of Ukrainian corruption cash, drove right around what Dutch voters wanted in rejecting the Ukraine’s involvement with Europe, only to have corrupt parliament members vote for the association agreement in the clearest case of EU corruption to date.
Dutch parliament on Tuesday completed the ratification of a pact between the European Union and Ukraine aimed at “Russian aggression,” despite voters in the Netherlands rejecting the agreement in an advisory referendum last year.
The approval was the last major step needed to clinch the much-delayed Association Agreement between the 28-nation EU and the eastern European nation, which is rated one of the most corrupt nations on earth, engaged currently in a war of genocide on its Donbass region.
Two-thirds of 75 senators in the upper house of parliament stood briefly to show their support for ratifying the pact to boost trade, fight corruption and improve human rights in Ukraine. The IMF has flown to Kiev and told Ukrainian President Poroshenko that a functional corruption court and pension reform completed now, or future funding will be stopped.
The approval came after Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte obtained written assurances from EU leaders that the Association Agreement was neither a stepping stone to EU membership for Ukraine nor provides a collective security guarantee or extra money.
EU political experts said this underlined the severe fear the Dutch have of actually seeing the Ukraine in the EU or in having to send troops to die for it. Rutte had pushed for ratification despite voter disapproval, saying the European Union needed to display a united front and to shore up its eastern border in the face of what he called Russia’s “increasingly destabilizing foreign policy.”