Kiev junta bans News Front in internet attack

Kiev, Ukraine. The Poroshenko regimes termination of Ukrainian citizens internet access is drawing international condemnation as some inside the regime, drunk on power do a victory lap at their ability to destroy others free speech rights.

Ukraine continues to violate human rights and freedom of speech in the country as Ukrop internet adviser Avakova Zoryan Shkiryak states that in Ukraine everything is ready to block forbidden Russian Internet resources. These Russian language resources are referred to by the Kiev authorities as “Russian-terrorist” web sites and news sources.

“I strongly support the important initiative of Irina Gerashchenko to immediately block all Russian-terrorist Internet resources in Ukraine. I have openly called for this the last 3 years. Enemy propaganda sites of militants, such as “Russian spring”, “News Front” and other communist Russian Internet-evil web platforms that should have been blocked long ago.

This is also the weapon that Moscow uses in the hybrid war against Ukraine, “writes Shkiryak. – In addition, I think it is unacceptable that the official propaganda mouthpiece of the Kremlin “RIA Novosti” is quietly operating and flourishing in the center of Kiev “. Ukrainian leader Poroshenko has also imposed sanctions against social networks “VKontakte” and “Classmates”, as well as the search system “Yandex”. In addition, Kiev imposed sanctions for a period of three years against a number of Russian media, including MIA “Russia Today”, TV channels “Zvezda” and TVC.

The Ukrainian government has promised a new uprising against the Russian language in Ukraine. The Internet-association of Ukraine stated that $ 1 billion dollars of American tax payer money will be spent on blocking Russian websites.