A dirty American Senator and a Ukrainian oligarch

Chattanooga, Tennessee. One might wonder what in the world the mountains of Tennessee have to do with the destruction of US-Russian relations, but a few clicks with a mouse and you find the unpleasant truth that treason in the United States is a word never dare breathed, but should be screamed at US Senator Bob Corker a Republican who is charged with being in charge of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committe and dedicated to killing better Russian-American relations and for very good reasons.

He gets his paychecks directly from Kiev. The Republican chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee said on Thursday the panel could take up a bill as soon as this summer to impose new sanctions on Russia over its alleged interference in the 2016 US presidential election.

“I’ve committed to mark up Russia sanctions legislation in the event, the probable event, that the secretary of state cannot show us that there’s a change of trajectory,” Corker said. One might wonder why Corker loves pushing sanctions off on Russia.

The United States, under Democratic former President Barack Obama, imposed sanctions on Russia over its actions in Ukraine and in December imposed fresh sanctions and ordered the expulsion of Russian suspected spies over the election meddling. Resulting in US-Russian relations being at their lowest point ever, according to US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, charged with explaining to Russia why America does not want normal relations.

Enter one Leonard “Len” Blavatnik is a Ukraine-born American businessman, investor, and lobbyist of US elected representatives. He made his fortune through business via diversified investments in myriad companies through his conglomerate company, Access Industries. In 2015, he was named Britain’s richest man with an estimated net worth of $25.1 billion dollars as of April 2015.

Via Apollo Group, which Blavatnik or “Blat” as he is called by his friends, Lenny made over $537,000 in campaign contributions to our “good, honest, upstanding” Senator Corker and other traitors to the US constitution just like him, in 2016 alone. But don’t take our word for it, opensecrets.org has all manner of open information like this that western reporters pass on “burdening” American readers with.

The more one digs into these US elected representatives trying to destroy US-Russian relations, the more you find some grinning gopnik Ukrainian trash corrupting American elected officials. The losers in our story are the people of the United States and Russia who must live in fear of nuclear annihilation, while the Corkers and Blavatniks of the world go right on with their dirty business, too big to jail.