By Gordon Duff
A basic tenet of identifying the driving forces behind American policy is a short examination of the root causes of error. Chief among these, and there are so many, is the continuing insistence that Iran has an active nuclear program when all evidence since 2003 runs to the contrary.
Behind this, two tiresome methodologies appear, one being the hunt for non-existent weapons of mass destruction and the second, America’s love for saving “poor little babies” from imaginary poison gas or hapless equally imaginary prisoners from incineration or mass killings.
Error has become “belief,” and a generation of American military leaders and diplomats have enthralled themselves to a cause defunct of purpose, deficient in reason, bereft of moral imperative. This is the military Donald Trump fell in love with. It furnished him with leadership of sufficient ethical ambiguity as to implement a soulless agenda without a second thought. These were trained professionals, the generation of Rumsfeld and Cheney, a nation primed for feudal fascism.
This array of deception has for three decades been used against many nations but the prime focus today is Iran. Our point is simple; Trump is in Israel and Saudi Arabia because his corrupt regime is controlled from there. His actions aim at Iran and are based in error in thought and error in execution. He is a fool.
His error also demonstrates something far more sinister, that he is a puppet, a vassal and dreams of being a medieval warlord. His lack of wit, lack of character, his lack of attention, his boorishness and whoredom are wonderfully at home in Saudi Arabia and Israel, where such characteristics have defined leadership for generations.
On May 21, 2017, American President Donald Trump announced that Saudi Arabia has put together a 55-nation force of 34,000 men to fight terrorism in Syria and Iraq. Trump agreed, without consultation or approval of the US government, to participate in that endeavor and agreed to sell Saudi Arabia, over a period, $.5 trillion in advanced arms previously denied to any foreign government.
This, the most corrupt presidency in American history, is flirting with disaster, blending its proclivity for pandering and bullying with ineptitude and more than a tinge of unbridled insanity. Toss in endless Saudi billions and Israel’s “exceptionalism” and a poisonous stew results.
Pushing Trump forward is the lowest rung of what VT co-founder Colonel David Hackworth called the Perfumed Princes of the Pentagon, the strutting neo-feudalists that haunt Washington, its corporate backrooms, engaging in anti-government plots, the peddling of tainted souls, all steeped in debauchery and dishonor.
They dance on and off the Fox Network, or adorn the polemics of the Institute for the Study of War, spouting the thinly veiled Bolshevik slogans promoted by dozens of cash ridden neocon think tanks.
This is the real life military power that overshadows the world, Rome under Caligula reborn.
America’s military establishment has a checkered history fighting terrorism. It lost wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, lest we forget Vietnam and has learned to fight using mercenaries and, as it has operated clandestinely in Iraq and Syria, through the terrorist organizations of ISIS and al Qaeda.
Were it not for the 500,000 Syrian dead, America’s “create the disease, offer the cure and then kill the patient” solutions would be high humor.
On March 2, 2015, former Marine General Paul Allen explained how he was going to spend $300 million to organize a force against ISIS, trained in Turkey. He said he had 5,500 vetted volunteers, mostly Syrian Christians from the Deir Ezzor region, ready to sign up.
Six months later, the money was spent, 150 mercenaries were trained, most from Morocco and upon deployment, all turned over their weapons and joined al Qaeda. Trump’s plan is to build on this success but he is lying. He has been bought and paid for by the Saudi prince he bowed to, and vowed to defend to the death, not his death mind you but of others, many others.
Then again we refocus, plots within plots, to one of the interlocking “grand schemes,” the war to Balkanize Islam itself, as with other political, religious or social struggles, when you peel away the veneer, you find only money and greed.
The real money will be made by pushing the war between Sunni and Shia Islam, a key component of Israeli globalist policy. There are over 1.5 billion Muslims in the world with around 150 million, or 10%, Shia. However, that 10% is in Iran, Iraq and Pakistan while some of the largest Sunni populations are far afield in Asia and North Africa.
Backed by Russia, the Shia states of Iran and Iraq, backed by Syria and Hezbollah, overshadow a very divided Sunni world. You see, the primary Sunni military power is Turkey, a constitutional secular state, followed by nuclear armed Pakistan, in eternal military confrontation with India.
Saudi Arabia doesn’t represent Sunni Islam at all but rather an extremist Wahhabist heresy, a bizarre hate filled cult at the root of all the woman hating suicide cults that feed terrorism. The elites of the Sunni world suffer considerable dismay that their holy sites are controlled by “head chopping” Bedouins who rope women together like cattle taken to market.
Why is America and Israel aligned with such a monstrosity? Let’s take a second to look at the huge new arms sale to Saudi Arabia.
The inexorable result will be either Israel or Pakistan using nuclear weapons or Iran eventually tiring of Saudi Arabia and crushing them handily. Tiny Yemen has proven more than a match for the Saudi military, one of the worst in the world, despite the tens of thousands of mercenaries deployed across the kingdom.
The other scenario involves the US moving in but not behind the leadership of the least loved commander in chief in American history, no, there is little chance America will enter a ground war against Iran with a weakened president. Thus, Trump has turned his policy over to others, bowed before a foreign prince, and is trying to recreate the Europe of August 1914, to plunge the world into cataclysm and perhaps avoid criminal prosecution in the process.
Another story, oft told, of the Armageddon death cult called “Dominionism” and its stranglehold on America’s military officer’s corps, is one Trump knows well. As factors weigh in, historical, social and economic, the move toward war plays them all, sign of the “chaos theory factory” written of eloquently by author Jeff Gates in his work, Guilt By Association. The American military has been dominated by Israel for some time with officers “junketed” to Israel where their personal weaknesses, be it cash or sexual deviance is exploited.
They return to Washington, reborn as “neocons” and “patriots” seeking think tank and board room honors. Most, in the end, are tossed aside, a poor investment for their masters, unimaginative mediocrities the public has long tired of.
The agent for this massive arms sale to the Saudis is Trump son-in-law, Israeli-American Jared Kushner, a highly experienced low income property developer from New Jersey from an organized crime family with a long history of cheating investors and bribing public officials. It keeps getting better.
It was Kushner’s wife, Trump’s daughter Ivanka, that decided Syria needed to be punished with a missile attack in retaliation for a “terrorist atrocity” the world later learned was staged by the CIA and actor George Clooney’s Oscar/Nobel Prize winning “White Helmets.”
We then move on to the new “coalition,” an abuse of the term if there ever was one. The members of the coalition, we assume, are all Sunni states, but no one knows exactly who they are. We know Israel isn’t officially a member but sets policy in partnership with Saudi Arabia.
Less well known are the connections between Saudi Arabia’s justified as defensive war against Yemen and other conflicts including the overthrow of Ukraine, the populist or more appropriately neo-Nazi government in Poland, moves against Armenia, not to mention the Syrian issue. This indicates, to the trained observer, that Russia may well be the real target.
Toward that end, we will examine how and why Russia might be the target.
We also know that this anti-extremist and anti-terrorist coalition consists of nations who have trafficked jihadists to Iraq and Syria to join rebel groups there. Among those nations are the economic supporters of those groups as well, buying modern weapons for “rebels” and sending in military trainers and planning staff. They are even manning command centers for rebels inside not only Jordan but in Syria and Iraq as well, serving side by side with Israeli forces against the Baghdad and Damascus governments.
Closer examination shows that the rebels supported by this Saudi coalition that the US has joined are primarily ISIS and al Qaeda. Trump’s new force for peace specifically targets the participants of the Astana peace process and, more importantly, has targeted for overthrow the governments of Syria and Iran, Russia’s only allies in the Middle East.
It doesn’t take a genius to see what is going on here. Some weeks ago, New Eastern Outlook, a Russian journal on geopolitical affairs, published an expose on a “regime change factory” called “Google Jigsaw.”
Our new 55 nation force, whose political will well seems to originate with long-term Israeli ambitions amplified through a newfound influence within the Trump regime, is clearly a manifestation of the globalist ambitions expressed by “Jigsaw,” the multi-trillion-dollar purveyor of the special form of democracy that has left much of the world aflame and millions dead, millions more stateless refugees.
It is May 2017 when Donald Trump leaves the United States to seek world peace. Evidence has been submitted that is sufficient for impeachment but as America’s government has been under the control of powerful special interests, criminal interests, for 15 years, it is likely nothing will be done.
The general admission is that America is in free fall with no government at all. The policy changes from the Obama era are all disasters, massive cuts in medical programs, massive increases in waste ridden military expenditures and huge tax giveaways to the rich.
Obama’s foreign policy was always enigmatic. Opposition to Russia and support of NATO, policies not generally rooted in reality, were a keystone. Trump promised to change those and open dialog but his uncertain demeanor and rash judgement clouded things.
As things come into focus, Trump seems to be assembling a cabal to go after Russia the nation. The problem being is that to Trump, Russia isn’t its people or its government, Russia is his “Russia,” those who reached out to him when he was broke, busted, bankrupt, and flooded is failing enterprises with money.
That money was stolen from the Russian people, looted from banks, illegally converted state enterprises, and Trump’s Russia is the Russian Mafia, sometimes called the Kosher Nostra or the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, the list of partners behind the Bayrock Group, all “Russian” but all enemies of the Russian people and in many cases, fugitives from Russian justice as well.
These crime syndicates were the vultures that fed off the chaotic period at the end of the communist era, partnering with the CIA, Mossad and other intelligence agencies, working with corrupt American and Israeli political leaders, money laundering banks, with the intent of building a criminal empire that would be above the law.
These cabals, which Trump represents, enjoy seeing Russia accused of interfering in elections in the United States or mischaracterized as a military dictatorship. Their control of press assets maintains a continual misdirection for the world public, one equally corrupt governments are happy to take part in as well.
When Trump talked of dealing with Russia, he meant dealing with organized crime that, under careful examination, knows no borders. Therefore, every deal thus far over Syria is immediately violated and why, to those of the clandestine world, America’s covert support of world terrorism, has sprung into high gear.
A constant in Obama policy was keeping both Israel and Saudi Arabia at arm’s length. The failure, of course, was in American participation in Yemen, part of Saudi Arabia’s war on Syria and Shia Islam in general, ran directly contrary to Obama policy with Iran.
Obama pushed the 5+1 nuclear agreement through and ended sanctions, a huge blow to both Israel and Saudi Arabia. Obama also restricted arms sales to Saudi Arabia, something Trump has just “undone.” What is less known is that, to keep Israel in line, Obama also crippled Israel’s missile defense system by removing its AEGIS component. The vaunted “Iron Dome” is “hot air.”
We mention these issues in passing as they present an earlier policy, though never openly embraced, to preserve some American leverage in world events. Trumps real failure is making deals when the real deal is in leaving the table, particularly when at the wrong table.
Inept as Trump may well be, among the Likudists in Israel or the Bedouin princes in Saudi Arabia, he may well be what intellect, grace and talent is at the table. Trump is the clown bear in the nest of vipers.