Facebook taking orders from Kiev junta secret police

Kiev, Ukraine. For many Facebook is a free forum for sharing information on politics, views and life. But for the Orwellian obsessed Kiev Poroshenko regime, it is a super market of potential customers for its totalitarian fines, prison sentences and labeling persons not in agreement with their values as “terrorists.”

During a recent press briefing, the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Oleksandr Turchynov, confirmed Facebook follows orders and instructions in removal of information that offends the Kiev junta.

Turchynov noted that unlike Russian social networks that fall under sanctions in Ukraine, Facebook and Twitter willingly cooperate with law enforcement agencies in Ukraine. “When a page propagating war, violence, or separatism appears on Facebook or Twitter, and the Ukrainian SBU appeals to them with a statement that this page displays negative and dangerous content, they delete it immediately,” he said.

Which is comforting for international Facebook users to know, that a neo Nazi regime that came to power from a coup paid for by the CIA, can order Facebook into abusing a persons civil rights, simply on the say so of an out of control group of psycopaths busy practicing genocide on their own citizens in Donbass, where over 100,000 persons have been killed since 2014.

According to Turchynov, similar cooperation with Odnoklassniki and VKontakte is impossible due to opposition from the FSB. At the same time, according to the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, foreign social networks are also under the “influence” of the Russian special services.

“There are also Russian FSB special services that create fictitious accounts and throw in some kind of provocative information,” Turchynov said. At the same time he noted that Ukraine intends to fight this phenomenon. “There are mechanisms to cope with this, including working with the leadership of these social networks,” he stressed.

Sanctions against Russian Internet companies were introduced by President Petro Poroshenko’s order on May 15th. In general, sanctions are imposed against 468 Russian and Ukrainian companies, as well as against 1,228 individuals. Among the Internet companies from this list are Mail.Ru Group services (including the Mail.ru domain and the popular social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki that belong to the Mail.ru holding) and Yandex.

It must come as the height of irony to American free speech advocates that Russia’s FSB is actually protecting the rights of international free speech, more than Facebook and in the face of Ukrainian neo Nazi censorship of free speech worldwide.