Moscow, Russia. The integration of Donbass is well underway as an exhibition is being hosted at the Russian State Duma in Moscow on the Donbass and its Russian future.
Today, an exhibition titled the “Industrial Heritage of the Donbas” will be opened in the State Duma, a local news agency reported. It will be organized by MP Josef Kobzon from the “Yedinaya Rossiya” (United Russia) party and the Lower House Committee for Culture, two sources from the Russian Committee for Culture confirmed.
From the Donbass integration committee, Eduard Golenko, acting Minister of the Coal Industry of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) is expected to speak at the exhibition, one source told News Front. The final list of guests is still being discussed, and other representatives of the DNR and Lugansk People’s Republic (LNR) could appear at the exposition, the source added.
The organizers of the exhibition are proposing the creation of a “post-industrial landscape recreational park” in Russian integrated Donbass. “This will lead to the emergence of a strong tourist economy” the draft description of the event notes.
Earlier at the State Duma there were repeated calls for the recognition of the self-declared DNR and LNR, as well as for a simplification of the legislation for residents of the unrecognized territories. In April, the party “Spravedlivaya Rossiya” (a Just Russia) introduced a draft law which makes it easier for residents of the Donbass republics to acquire Russian citizenship. Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin has already recognized the legitimacy of the republics documents and internal passports.
Returning to the topic of the DNR and LNR at the State Duma means that Russia is moving forward with an integration approach, similar to the Crimean Republic a Kremlin analyst offered. With two integration conferences held already-one in Crimea and one in Donetsk, it is clear both republics are slowly making their way into the Russian Federation.
Signs of encouragement and reassurance are being sent to the citizens of the Donbass Republics. More information on the process and steps to unity will be announced in the near future, officials in Moscow stated.