Theresa May: Merkel’s tough Brexit stance proves Tories need big election win

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s tough talk on Brexit means the U.K. must have “strongest possible hand” during exit talks with the bloc, British Prime Minister Theresa May said at a rally in Leeds Thursday.

The 27 EU countries that will remain in the bloc are “lining up to oppose” the U.K., May said, according to the BBC.

“We’ve seen from Chancellor Merkel today, we’ve heard her comments today,” May said. “We’ve seen that actually there will be times when these negotiations are going to get tough.”

In a speech to German parliament delivered earlier on Thursday, Merkel said Britons were mistaken in believing trade talks could take place alongside Brexit negotiations.

She also said that the U.K. should have “no illusions” about its standing after it leaves the bloc as it “cannot and will not have the same rights” as an EU member. Merkel ruled out talks on a future EU-U.K. relationship until all Brexit-related issues are settled.

In Leeds, May said Britain’s opposition parties were “trying to disrupt” Brexit talks and argued that a stronger majority for her Conservative Party was necessary to improve Britain’s position in negotiations with the EU. She warned the party faithful against complacency, adding that polls showing the Tories with an unassailable lead could prove wrong.

“Every single vote counts,” May said, before calling on Labour Party voters to cast their ballots for her instead, as this was “in the national interest.”

May also used the rally to defend Boris Johnson, the U.K.’s foreign secretary. She said Johnson was “doing a great job.” When asked about his comments made earlier Thursday that Britain would join the U.S. in military action in Syria if asked to do so, May said it was a “hypothetical issue.”

Britain heads to the polls June 8.