US decides to pass on Libyan intervention

London, United Kingdom. The government of Italy today managed to broker a diplomatic breakthrough in Libya that has the potential to bring the two sides together in a new political agreement after years of division, fighting and economic deterioration.

Italy was praising the compromise it brokered between the presidents of the House of Representatives, Ageela Saleh, and the state council, Abdulrahman Sewehli. Italian foreign minister, Angelino Alfano, and the Italian ambassador to Libya attended the meeting between the two Libyan parties.

Statements released, pointed out there would have to be further consultations between the two sides this week in order to achieve the reconciliation and stop the blood shed as well as ensure the return of displaced persons in the conflict.

It appears that US President Donald Trump, who met the Italian PM Paolo Gentiloni, does not have any intention to have a role in Libya. It seems that Trump would rather leave the matter to the north African countries, the EU, Russia, Egypt and some Gulf states to decide their future.

For his part, Saleh defended his meeting with Sewehli saying he met with him as a Libyan citizen nothing more. He confirmed that he still refuses to acknowledge the legitimacy of the council established by Sewehli in Tripoli.

The house of representatives led by Saleh has refused to approve a government of national accord based in Tripoli for more than a year until changes are made to the Libyan Political Agreement (LPA), which can only be effected by a joint team from the house and the state council.

While not the complete end to problems in Libya, it was a start to a national reconciliation for the sides stuck in a civil war, ever since the power vacum following the assassination of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi at the hands of NATO surrogates.