America gives Ukraine another $70 million dollar bribe

Kiev, Ukraine. In something becoming a daily issue, the USA has stepped forward in Kiev’s corruption rich environment to guarantee another $70 million dollars in “loans” to the Ukraine.

The Overseas Private Investment Corporation, a US Government agency, will provide guarantees for a $38 million dollar loan to Energy Resources of Ukraine to purchase gas, OPIC has said on its website. The total cost of the Ukrainian project amounts to $70 million US dollars.

OPIC said that ERU Trading will import Liquid Natural Gas from the US and purchase some gas from local producers. They hope to store the gas in the Ukrainian gas storage facilities owned and managed by Ukrtransgaz, a state-owned entity, and sell the gas to ERU Trading’s industrial customers in the Ukraine.The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) is a self-sustaining US Government agency that helps American businesses invest in emerging markets with CIA and State Department guidance.

Established in 1971, OPIC provides businesses with the tools to manage the risks associated with foreign direct investment, fosters economic development in emerging market countries, and advances US foreign policy and national security priorities, like guaranteeing loans that are risky to allies willing to stay hostile to Russia.

OPIC helps American businesses gain footholds in new markets, catalyzes new revenues and contributes to jobs and growth opportunities both at home and abroad by letting American taxpayers carry loan risks, no sane bank ever would. OPIC fulfills its mission by providing businesses with financing, political risk insurance, advocacy and by partnering with private equity investment fund managers to provide insider trading opportunities unavailable to everyday American peon taxpayers.

“The Project will strengthen Ukraine’s energy security through the purchase and storage of approximately 10% of Ukraine’s total annual gas needs,” OPIC said, describing the project.

Energy Resources Ukraine Trading LLC belongs to Andriy Favorov a former official in Ukraine’s energy sector, currently under investigation by NABU for corruption while in office, American Dale Perry-a former US Navy Officer tied to the CIA in investment schemes across the globe and Yaroslav Mudriy, a Ukrainian “bag man” who facilitates currency transfers to offshore banking venues.