United Nations, New York. The US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley (born Nimrata Randhawa) has once again decided to involve herself in Russian internal matters by demanding the UN investigate alleged persecution of gays in Russia and Chechnya.
The US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley has involved herself yet again in Russian internal affairs stating, “impossibility to ignore” the reports about the abductions, torture, and killings of people in Chechnya on the basis of their sexual orientation. Her statement was published on the website of the US Mission to the United Nations.
The diplomat also noted that the US “is still concerned” about this information. “Chechen authorities must immediately investigate these allegations and hold everyone involved accountable,” Haley added, noting that, in her opinion, it is necessary to involve ourselves in managing Chechnya’s affairs and “take steps to prevent future abuses.”
“We are against all forms of discrimination, including on the basis of sexual orientation,” the Permanent Representative said. Discrimination and human rights violations, according to Haley, “can lead to destabilization and conflict” if such actions are not stopped in time. Haley provided no evidence to back up her allegations and even Russian media sources are openly calling the charges a publicity stunt by a gay rights group desperate for publicity.
In early April, Novaya Gazeta reported on a “coordinated campaign,” during which hundreds of men who were considered homosexuals were abducted. According to the newspaper, the men were subjected to torture and other ill-treatment, used to make them disclose information about other homosexuals that they knew. Later, members of the Russian media network disputed this information, citing their sources.