Brexit anything but a done deal with UK liberals



London, United Kingdom. The Brexit continues to be a topic of controversy in the UK as Liberal deomcrats now challenge the theory it will not affect the everyday ability of the UK Parliment to function.


Statistics show a total of 195 staff out of 2795 are non-British European nationals, that is, 7%. Of those, 5.7% (the non-Irish EU citizens) face an uncertain post-Brexit future according to a recent EU report on the matter.


The American press covered this matter, and included this statement from member of the London Assembly and Shadow Minister for London Caroline Pidgeon,


“Every MP or peer who fails to recognise the importance of EU workers should take a very careful look at their own workplace.From the cleaning of their offices through to the serving of food and drink, it is EU citizens who are playing a key role in the daily running of Parliament.” Ms. Pidgeon went on to add, “It is simply hypocritical for any MP to vote against EU citizens being guaranteed the right to remain in the UK, and then spend the rest of the evening in a Commons’ bar staffed by EU citizens. MPs and Peers who fail to guarantee the status of EU citizens are creating unnecessary uncertainty and stress for many families around the UK. They are also undermining the effective running of a large number of businesses and public bodies, including Parliament itself”


Theresa May refused cross-party calls last month to award unilateral rights to those living in the UK once the country has finally left the European Union in 2019.


The Prime Minister has insisted that she wants to make the issue a priority in talks with her 27 fellow EU leaders, but has been accused of using them as a “bargaining chip” to get a good deal for the 1.2 million Britons living as ex-pats on the Continent.