US regime change North Korea operation underway


Pentagon, Washington. Informed sources are confirming many Americans worst fears this evening, as information from multiple sources is confirming the United States already has a regime change operation underway against the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.


President Donald John Trump and his national security adviser, HR McMaster, said they first hoped that China would act on its neighbor, which depends on Beijing to prop up its trade and finances. Trump said that he had an “understanding” with Xi Jinping in order to push the country on North Korea.


“The consensus with the president, our key allies in the regions – Japan and South Korea in particular, but also the Chinese leadership – is that this problem is coming to a head,” National Security adviser McMaster told ABC’s This Week, speaking from Afghanistan.


Each North Korean missile and atomic bomb test – officials had feared a sixth nuclear test over the weekend, represented steady progress for dictator Kim Jong-un, McMaster said, whether or not a given test was deemed successful by his regime. The adviser refused to rule out overt or covert military action to stop what he called “a grave threat to all people”.


“This is a situation that just can’t continue,” McMaster said. “The president’s made very clear that he is not in the business of announcing in advance exactly what he’s going to do in any particular situation.”


During their recent meeting, Xi Jinping briefly told Trump about the deep ties and complicated history between China and North Korea, Trump told reporters this week.


“After listening for 10 minutes I realized that not – it’s not so easy,” Trump said, expressing surprise at the pressures of trade and migration along the Chinese-North Korean border. “A lot of goods come in. But it’s not what you would think.”


A few days after that meeting, though, Trump said he would be willing to act alone. “If China decides to help, that would be great,” he tweeted. “If not, we will solve the problem without them!”


Speculation ran rampant as American defense and intelligence officials have refused to say whether the US, possibly through a covert cyber-attack, played a role in causing the North Korean missile to explode after its test launch.


Today, the deputy national security adviser, KT McFarland, told news programs she could not say whether a cyber campaign begun by the Barack Hussein Obama administration had continued. “You know we can’t talk about that,” she said.


A short 35 miles from the demilitarized zone, Seoul stands within range of North Korean artillery, a detail noted by American lawmakers on Sunday as they argued for urgent diplomacy and sanctions. Nearly 30,000 American service members are stationed in South Korea, and the US sent an aircraft carrier toward the peninsula last week. Meanwhile, Americans and the world wait to see if the world’s first nuclear war is already in motion.