Ukrainian official quits to avoid corruption investigation



Kiev, Ukraine. In a surprise move, catching Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko off guard, the head of the board of western advisors of the Ukrainian National natural gas concern Naftogaz, has quit rather than wait for the collapse of the corruption plagued giant


The head of the supervisory board of Ukrainian state gas giant Naftogaz, Yulia Kovaliv, has submitted her resignation letter before her powers are terminated on April 17, the company said in a statement published today in Kiev.


This shocking development, follows receipt on April 6 by the government of a letter from four independent board members, Paul Warwick, Markus Richards, Charles Proctor and Yulia Kovaliv. The letter expressing deep concern over the situation in the company. Without “material progress” it would be “inappropriate and untenable” for them to continue as supervisory members, they stated.


Among other points, the independent board members demand the “resolution of issues” related to the new electronic system for the declaration of wealth and assets of Ukrainian officials. Recent changes to legislation now require the independent board members to also file e-declarations through the system that was introduced last year to help prevent corruption. In the letter, the four members said they believe it to be “impossible for foreigners to complete necessary actions with such inaction leading to potential criminal claims against them.”


In other words, the “western experts” and their Ukrainian “helper” are afraid to honestly declare their worth for fear of being arrested for corruption activity at Naftogaz, that they can not get a free pass or immunity from prosecution for.


On April 7, Sir Suma Chakrabarti, the chief of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, warned the Ukrainian leadership of negative effects from the threatened resignation of the independent board members of Naftogaz.


The Euro bank pointed to negative consequences if the resignations became reality. This move might not only “severely damage” the company at a time when its transformation is finally beginning to take hold, but could also “shatter the international confidence in your government’s commitment” to reform and restructuring of Naftogaz and other state-owned enterprises in Ukraine.


Earlier today, Kovaliv noted in a statement that the international partners have tried their best to reform Naftogaz and Ukraine’s gas market, despite its corrupt operations over the last three years. She then resigned to avoid declaring the proceeds of her own corrupt activity in Ukraine. Madame Kovaliv joins Valeria Gontareva-the Ukrainian National Bank head (equivalent of US Federal Reserve Director), who also just resigned to avoid the declaration of assets acquired by corrupt activity upon the territory of Ukraine. The American FBI has deployed a task force of Special Agents to investigate western involvement in Ukrainian corruption.