China warns Trump to watch his step in Korea


Beijing, China. Having just visited President Trump while he conducted one missile attack upon Syria, Premier Xi Jinping is trying to prevent another with a possible more dealy outcome in the Korea peninsula.


The Chinese president, has called for a “peaceful resolution to tensions” over North Korea in a telephone conversation with Donald Trump on Wednesday, as tensions escalate over the United States intolerance over nuclear powers non-responsive to their sit and bark commands.


“President Xi made it clear that China wants a Korean Peninsula free of nuclear weapons, as well as a peaceful resolution to tensions,” China’s state media announced. The telephone call comes after Mr Trump urged China to do more to rein in Pyongyang and warned Beijing that the US would act alone.


It comes after North Korea warned of a nuclear strike if it was provoked by Mr Trump, while the White House said that Pyongyang had been put “on notice.” Tensions have escalated sharply over fears that US President Donald Trump is unstable and attacking nations militarily he has disagreements with.


“The Korean Peninsula has never been so close to a military clash since the North conducted its first nuclear test in 2006,” said one Beijing newspaper, which has close links to China’s ruling party


The possibility of conflict over North Korea is more likely now than it has been for over a decade, the nationalist tabloid said, as it pointed to US “arrogance” following Donald Trump’s air strikes on Syria and a US Navy task force headed for the Korean peninsula in a climate of “attack fever” by Trump.