London, United Kingdom. UK foreign secretary Boris Johnson who has recently canceled a diplomatic trip to Moscow after US missile strikes on Syria, has now gone a step further threatening more attacks by NATO.
East-West tensions have risen since the US missile attacked a Syrian airfield in response to an alleged chemical weapons attack last week, which is said to have been carried out by Syrian regime forces, but still not proven.
The UK Foreign Secretary Johnson cancelled a planned trip to Moscow at the weekend, leading the Kremlin to criticize the UK for lacking “real influence” internationally.
Johnson instead will attend a critical G7 Summit, where proposed sanctions on Russia, who has been an ally to Assad, will be a key focus in building a coalition that may be the run up to a global war.
The UK Foreign Secretary said last week’s air strikes on a Syrian government base by US missiles were a “game changer” which had sent “a clear and united message” to the Assad and his supporters.” Adding,“Crucially – they could do so again.” Launching an implied threat the US will attack Syria again, despite Russian warnnings that this will lead to hostilities between Russia and the West.
In a statement, Russia’s foreign ministry said Mr Johnson’s cancellation showed a “fundamental misunderstanding or lack of knowledge of the events in Syria, Russia’s efforts to settle that crisis and the general objectives of diplomacy”.
It added: “The decision to call off Johnson’s visit to Moscow confirms once again doubts in the presence of added value in speaking to the UK, which does not have its own position on the majority of present-day issues, nor does it have real influence on the course of international affairs, as it remains ‘in the shadow’ of its strategic partners.
“We do not feel that we need dialogue with London any more than it does.”