St. Petersburg terror suspect’s house found, searched


Russian Investigative Committee reported that the place of residence of Akbarzhon Jalilov, the suspected perpetrator of St. Petersburg terrorist attack, has been found, his house has been searched.




The place of residence of Akbarzhon Jalilov, the suspected perpetrator of St. Petersburg terrorist attack, has been found, his house has been searched, Russian Investigative Committee spokeswoman Svetlana Petrenko said Wednesday.


“The place of residence of Akbarzhon Jalilov, who according to the investigators had committed the explosion in the subway, has been established. His house has already been searched. The cameras of surveillance recorded the suspect leaving the house with a bag and a backpack,” Petrenko told reporters after the operational meeting held by Chairman of the Russian Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin.


According to Petrenko, Bastrykin has ordered “to establish in detail all the circumstances of the incident and to verify all data on the identity of the suspect, including his connections with possible accomplices from the Islamic State terrorist organization, outlawed in Russia.”