A video, showing three female police officers, suddenly attacked by an asylum seeker, whom they attempted to take into custody outside an asylum home, has been published online. The incident occurred in Fagersjo, south of Stockholm. Reportedly, the video was taken two weeks ago, on 20 March, but was published only on Sunday afternoon.
Reportedly, the immigrant had tried to set fire on migrant accommodation and the police arrived to arrest him. The footage shows a young man, approaching a car and starting to smash its windows. After this, he walked away and smashed the back window of another car, a white Volvo, parked nearby. Then, the asylum seeker approached a police car with three female officers and started to attacke them, carrying a large piece of metal in his hands.
The young man attacked one of the officers and was quickly detained by another male asylum seeker, who allowed policewomen to try to place handcuffs on the attacker. However, three of the female officers failed to get him into their car. The asylum seeker broke free of all of them and started to fight with them. One of the female officers was punched to the ground. The immigrant threw several more stones in the window of the police car and walked away, as those filming, likely also asylum seekers, laughed at the Swedish police.
As the Swedish Friatider information website reported, the police managed to apprehend the asylum seeker after the video ends. However, before this, he attempted to set several fires on the asylum home.