Eurodiplomats fear that the abolition of EU visas for citizens of more than 40 million state can be used by radicals and eurosceptics.
The delay in the introduction of a visa-free regime between Ukraine and the European Union is connected with the presidential elections in France, “Polish Radio” reports with reference to Western diplomats.
“It is possible that the decision of the EU Council on the liberalization of the visa regime will be made in May, although this has not yet been confirmed. If this happens, then in summer Ukrainians will be able to travel to the EU without visas”, said the EU diplomat.
It is indicated that officials officially explain the absence of a final term on procedural aspects of this issue, as well as the desire to give this important event an “official background”, and the possibility of its announcement in the presence of representatives of the supreme power of Ukraine.
“However, European diplomats also admit that the EU countries do not want to rush in this matter due to the presidential elections in France scheduled for the April-May. Immigration and the protection of borders are among the main themes of the election campaign. The abolition of EU visas for citizens of more than 40 million country can be used by radicals and eurosceptics – EU diplomats fear”, said in the report.