Photo exhibition commemorating died in Donbass children to open in Berlin


Non-governmental organization “Мűtter gegen den Krieg Berlin-Brandenburg” will hold a photo exhibition “101 lives. The dead children of Donbass” in Berlin.




“For three years on the territory of Donbass there is a civil war. Сities, villages, factories, houses, hospitals, educational institutions and kindergartens were destroyed. Hundreds of dead and wounded residents of the Donbass. Among them there are dozens of children, – write the organizers of the exhibition. The indifferent inhabitants of Berlin could not stand aside and indifferently look at what is going on there”.


Together with the volunteers of Berlin the photo exhibition “101 lives. The dead children of Donbas” was organized. 


“The right to open the photo exhibition was provided to guests, residents of Donbass, who suffered but survived in this war”, the organizers said.


The opening of the photo exhibition will take place on March 14, 2017 at 18.00 (CET) in the building FMP 1, at Franz-Mering-Platz1, 10243 Berlin.