Petition to block Scottish leader Sturgeon calling new independence referendum passes 50,000


A petition to stop Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon from calling another independence referendum had already garnered more than 50,000 signatures by Tuesday afternoon.




The petition calls on Westminster to block Sturgeon from triggering a repeat of the 2014 vote as it claims Scotland is “suffering hugely” from the leader’s focus on getting independence.


Sturgeon announced on Monday she will be calling for a second independence referendum between autumn 2018 and spring 2019 as she claims Westminster’s plan to go for a ‘hard Brexit’ will “damage the economy and change the very nature of our society and country.”


As 62 percent of Scottish voters cast ballots to stay in the EU, the first minister said she has a duty to stand up for Scotland’s interests. She said she would seek approval in the Scottish parliament next week for another referendum and secure the country’s future membership of the EU.


She claimed it would give the Scottish people the chance to have a say on their destiny.