The source said that the army men pushed back ISIS terrorists from more strongholds and deployed in a region only 7km away from al-Khafseh town and 6km from the main water pumping facilities close to Lake Assad.
Aleppo city’s water pumping facilities are located South of al-Khafseh town.
The source also said that the army troops’ control over the Northern and Northeastern regions of Deir Hafer has given the government forces’ military control over the town, adding that the government forces have also decreased distance to al-Jarrah airport East of Deir Hafer.
On Sunday, the army men engaged in fierce clashes with ISIS in Eastern Aleppo and managed to take control over the towns and farms of al-Qasra, al-Rashidiyeh, al-Fatehiyeh and Jubb al-Abyadh, inching closer to al-Khafseh, the nearest town to Lake Assad, which is the main source of drinking water of Aleppo city and its outskirts.
Tens of ISIS terrorists were killed and two tanks, two bomb-laden vehicles and several military vehicles were destroyed in the attack.
A field source said that the army troops have deployed forces 13km away from al-Khafseh after the recent advances that included winning control over the villages of Qasr al-Hadleh, al-Attawiyeh and Abu Jadeh.