Foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavel Klimkin proposed to remove Russia’s right of veto in the United Nations Security Council in making decisions concerning the situation in Ukraine, on the pretext that Moscow is allegedly a party to the conflict in Donbass. The Minister said at a meeting of the Security Council on Tuesday, that clear rules should be set for implementation of the relevant provisions of the UN Charter.
“We need urgently to reform the Security Council in order to remove the veto power abuses. The Security Council should be capable of efficiently addressing ‘bloody conflicts’ regardless of the possible presence of a party to the conflict at this table as the SC permanent member,” Klimkin said.
According to him, “It is no longer acceptable that paragraph 3 of Article 27 of the Charter, namely that “a party to a dispute shall abstain from voting”, continues to be blatantly ignored. It is imperative that clear proceedings are introduced for the proper implementation of this Article.”
Klimkin added that Russian “aggression against Ukraine” also “targets European and transatlantic unity as basic elements of the global security order.”
Earlier, former Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin said that any initiatives to infringe upon the right to veto the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (Russia, Great Britain, China, the United States and France) enjoy are unacceptable for Russia.