Syrian Army 500m away from breaking ISIS siege on Deir ez-Zor airbase


The Syrian army and its allies are just 500 meters away from Harabash district near Deir ez-Zor military airport which has been besieged by the ISIS terrorists for two months now, a military source said on Monday.




“The ISIS is not deployed in the region which separates the army from Harabash and Deir ez-Zor airbase but it has control over the region by launching attacks from Sariya Junaid, Tal al-Muhandesin and the power plant,” the source said.


He also said that the Russian fighter jets attacked a number of ISIS Toyota vehicles near Hamdan airport in the Southern parts of Bu Kamal city in Eastern Deir ez-Zor, and added, “The common border between Syria and Iraq has also witnessed Russia’s airstrikes on ISIS’s Toyota vehicles stationed at the entrance of the Syrian territories in the Southern parts of Mayadeen city.”


In a relevant development on Sunday, the Syrian troops, backed by the air force, targeted ISIS’s moves and gathering centers in Deir ez-Zor, tightening the noose on terrorists who have besieged the Deir ez-Zor airbase and killing tens of militants.


The Syrian fighter jets and missile and artillery units launched heavy strikes against ISIS positions near al-Maqaber (Deir ez-Zor’s cemetery) region in the Southern outskirts of the city, inflicting losses on the militants.


Also, the Syrian army units targeted and blew up in air a bomb-laden drone belonging to the ISIS over al-Rawad hill in the Southwestern parts of Deir ez-Zor.


Meantime, local sources reported that the ISIS has hidden most parts of the main streets leading to Bu Kamal market with tents and covers to blind army drones.