Moscow has offered its assistance in decoding radar data it previously shared with the Dutch commission investigating the crash of a Malaysia Airlines flight over Ukraine. The material was provided “raw” to the investigators ensuring it’s “most detailed.”
“The radar data was given to the Dutch in the most detailed form – raw – which automatically indicates its authenticity and exclusivity,” the Russian aviation regulator Rosaviatsiya said in a statement published on Saturday.
It referred to the “primary data” which was shared with the Netherlands in October 2016. Russia’s air transport agency said, “the factual information clearly describes the actual air traffic situation at the time of the MH17 tragedy.”
Moscow’s offer comes after the Dutch prosecutor’s office said earlier this week that they could not read the raw radar data shared by the Russians, as it was presented in an “unusual format” as opposed to the “standard” ASTERIX format. International air traffic control agencies often use the ASTERIX format developed in Europe, prosecutors said.
Rosaviatsiya argued the data it shared with the Netherlands was valuable primarily because it was raw. When converted into the ASTERIX format, it would be much less detailed, the agency said.
Unlike the raw radar data, which “consists of images circulating within the radar itself,” the “standard” ASTERIX format “involves the transfer of data in a processed form, which, in fact, turns it into secondary information that does not allow us to see even 25 percent of what the primary data from the radar shows,” the agency stated.