Demonstrators block LA street to protest immigration raids


Demonstrators hit the streets of Los Angeles to protest against reported raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials which allegedly led to more than 100 people being detained.


LA protest



The protesters gathered near the Metropolitan Detention Center in downtown Los Angeles to peacefully protest the raids on Thursday, KTLA reported.


They closed off a street to through traffic for about two hours, chanting “No hate! No fear! Immigrants are welcome here!”


Many of the demonstrators held signs which included phrases such as “Stop separating families” and “Immigrants in, Racists out.”


The ICE raids were conducted at homes across three Southern California counties on Thursday, with spokesperson Lori Haley saying the searches were “targeted and lead driven.”


“Examples would include known street gang members, child sex offenders, and deportable foreign nationals with significant drug trafficking convictions,” she said. “To that end, ICE’s routine immigration enforcement actions are ongoing.”