Approximately 5,500 demonstrators, according to some official sources, have gathered on Tuesday evening in Victoria Square to protest against the Government.
People have placards reading: “Ghita, I’ll wait for you tonight at the gate, and Bombonica in jail,” “We want in Romania, not in Ro-theft,” “Ceausescu isn’t dead, he grew a moustache,” “No to amnesty!,” “#resist for my Romania,” “Retired PSD followers, stop defending crimnals!,” “Wake up, we are losing democracy,” “DNA should come and take you,” “PSD, reform yourself,” “Dragnea and Tariceanu, politically expired.”
They are chanting “We are not leaving,” “The one who doesn’t jump doesn’t want change,” “At night, like thieves,” “Shame on you,” “Down with the criminals,” also whistling and some are beating drums.