The Ukrainian forces have fired more than 50 shells since 4:10 p.m. local time (13:10 GMT), Deputy Defense Minister of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) Eduard Basurin said Sunday.
“Ukrainian forces use heavy weaponry against the residential areas of Donetsk, they have already fired more than 50 shells from the weapons prohibited by the Minsk agreement starting from 4:10 p.m., despite the respect of ceasefire by our side,” Basurin told.
He added that Kiev had also started to deploy additional troops of Ukraine’s Armed Forces and National Guard to the eastern Ukrainian regions, which could prove Ukraine’s preparations for a large-scale offensive against Donbas militias, as well as for sabotage activities against the civilian infrastructure in the region.
The situation in the Donetsk region has escalated harshly recently, with over 40 people reported dead and more than 100 wounded in the clashes.