Less than half of Germans are satisfied with Merkel’s work


German Chancellor’s Angela Merkel level of support has declined once again. Only one-third of the Germans supports her refugee policy. 




The data is provided by the research institute’s Infratest opinion poll, reports Deutsche Welle.


According to the published survey, 47% of the respondents are satisfied with Merkel’s work. This is 12% less than in July, and only 1% more than the worst figure for the Chancellor since her re-election in 2013: in February 2016, 46% were satisfied with Merkel’s work.


34% are satisfied towards government’s refugee policy. This is the lowest index since October 2015, when the issue first became the subject of surveys. 


Now 65% of respondents have expressed their dissatisfaction with the government’s policy led by Merkel regarding refugees. The survey also revealed a significant increase of the fear of the Germans over terrorist attacks in the country.


Meanwhile, Bavarian’s PM rating as well as chairman’s of Merkel’s CSU sister party Horst Zeegofer who consistently criticizes Chancellor’s refugee policy, raised to 44%.