During the meeting between the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Grigory Karasin German ambassador Rüdiger von Fritsch and French ambassador Jean-Maurice Ripert, the Russian side expressed concern that in the context of the losing momentum in negotiation process is going build-up of AFU and volunteer battalions powers on the frontline.
The Russian Foreign Ministry made it clear that this fact did not go unnoticed by the observers of the Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) of the OSCE.
Grigory Karasin drew the attention of two Western ambassadors “on the inadmissibility of such provocative actions of Ukraine” that could “reset efforts, including the “Norman format” for a peaceful settlement”.
Moscow hopes that the German and French partners would be able to use their influence on Kiev, in order to prevent a military scenario fraught with serious destabilization in the region, says the report of the Russian diplomatic agency.