Bundestag MPs in Montenegro: NATO fights all over the world, starting with Yugoslavia


In Montenegro, in the city of Bar during “The military neutrality in today’s geopolitics and the position of Montenegro” conference spoke out members of the German Bundestag from the “Linke” party Inge Heger an Alexander Noah. They condemned NATO’s eastward expansion and supported the local movements that advocate for the preservation of the neutral status of the Balkan countries.


Bundestag MPs in Montenegro


Inga Heger said that on the eve of the summit in Warsaw, the German “Left” would require the leaving of their state from the Alliance, which, according to her, has no sense after the end of the Cold War.


Alexander Noah condemned the eastward expansion of NATO, and recalled that, in contrary to Western propaganda, it is NATO, who comes closer to Russia’s borders, and not vice versa.